Why Cloud FSM Is The Need Of The Hour For Indian Retail Distribution Companies

Why Cloud ERP Is The Need Of The Hour For Indian Retail Distribution Companies

Over the last two years, the small and medium indian businesses (SMBs) have already started to observe the advantages of digital tools to manage their workflows. Although a majority of businesses were still reluctant to get on board with digital, the year 2020 had made sure you no longer had an option to be reluctant. Amidst widespread health concerns and social distancing norms, the normal workflow in retail distribution has been hindered.

However, you have also realised the advantages of remote work. It is cost effective and has greater business reach. No wonder most of the companies are looking at working remotely as a new normal.

At this phase, on premise operation is no longer a feasible option. You need a cloud based FSM to manage your accounting, HRMS and Inventory and helps you operate your business with absolute control, visibility and ease.

Many of you are planning to invest in Cloud FSM Solutions to streamline the operations with fewer staff members in stores. Even for companies already using on-premise FSM, the conversation has shifted from the initial benefits of the technology to whether a cloud-based system is an immediate need.

Advantages of CloudFSM

Cost reduction: Automating your store operations certainly helps. But, with a Saas model or Cloud Solutions, you alleviate much of your maintenance cost. It has a low implementation charge as opposed to the traditional, hosted model. It can run without any additional hardware set up at your store, which alleviates the excess load from the IT Department. Even, Software additions and upgrades also happen in the cloud without system-wide downtime. For any sector including retail, being able to run the business more efficiently and with less workforce is always a welcome discussion.

Remote Access: Your staff can access cloud-based FSM platforms from remote locations with the same ease as the on-premise staff. Also being remote each of your employees can cover a greater area and being on cloud you get a real time update on their status.

Cloud System Comes with Business Intelligence Capabilities: Cloud systems easily integrate with existing operational infrastructure that streamlines business processes. Having all the data connected and accessible on real time, it can easily provide you with n-number of reports to help you recognise business opportunities and improve profit.

Inventory Management is Easier with a Cloud Platform: Built-in analytics features available in the Cloud Model keeps a track of inventory changes, purchase-to-order, eliminate pilferage, thus getting more accurate figures of inventory valuation. Retailers and store administrators can access real time data, without waiting for hours. Financial reporting, invoicing and inventory valuation are now available on a click.

Greater Security: Modern Cloud FSMs offer secure gateways for remote access for transactions that prevent the download of sensitive data, and on-site archival of sensitive information to avoid it falling into the wrong hands.

BreezeFSM gives you a clear picture of resource utilisation, RoI and revenue opportunity. It is secure, accessible on any device:

  • It is easily customisable to fit any retail, distribution or trading business needs.
  • Data stored on cloud & accessible in retail time
  • Custom integration to adapt to your business
  • 24×7 best-in-class support to avoid any business downtime
  • Build on real use cases and customer stories in collaboration with top SMEs in Distribution and retail segment

With Breeze, you would not miss any opportunity in increasing your revenue. Breeze gives you complete visibility and control on your business.

Join companies llike NORDUSK, MESCAB, ROLLICK, KARUNA GROUP, GREENPLY and many more in improving your business operation and increase profitability.

Collective voice of our dedicated team of expert behind BreezeFSM

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