Travelling Salesman Problem- The Method to Optimize Your Field Sales Route

Travelling Salesman Problem

History and significance of TSP

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Methods of using Travelling Salesman Problems


    • Exact Algorithms 

    • Heuristic algorithms 

    • Metaheuristic Algorithms. 

Insertion (e.g., Cheapest Insertion) Heuristics:

Genetic Algorithms:

Ant Colony Optimization:

Tabu Search:

Hybrid Approaches

Three Effective Methods Can Be Used For Sales Route Optimization 

Nearest Neighbor Heuristic



    • Simple and fast to implement.

    • Gives you a cheap and fast option.



    • Does not in general yield the optimal solution, particularly for large numbers of locations.

    • Suitable for small to medium-sized problems where quick decisions are necessary.

Genetic Algorithms


    • Can handle large and complex problem instances.

    • (often) Explores a large solution space. Focuses globally and can avoid getting stuck at local optima.


    • Needs to be tweaked precisely with values such as mutation rate, population size

    • Computational edge case: this may be a problem for really large datasets, or super low latency applications.

Tabu Search



    • Are able to break out of local optima and find solutions of high quality.

    • Flexible: medium to large scale efforts are efficient and effective



    • Performance highly depends upon how the tabu list is managed and how large it’s kept.

    • It needs fine tuning parameters.

    • Rather suitable for: medium to large problems where we are seeking iterative improvement of the solution, quality of the output is a concern

Real-Time Route Adjustment

Resource Allocation

Factors that make TSP challenging

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